Monday, September 30, 2019

Health In Society Unequally Distributed Health And Social Care Essay

This essay will concentrate on the inequalities that exist around Cardiovascular Disease, specifically that of Coronary Heart Disease. Harmonizing to the British Heart Foundation ( 2010 ) incidences of decease attributed to Coronary Heart Disease are far more likely to happen within the lower socio-economic category. The British Heart Foundation ( 2010 ) besides report that those populating in the most disadvantaged countries of Wales, have a fifty-percent more opportunity of deceasing from CHD than those populating in the least disadvantaged countries. Furthermore, they claim that persons who undertake manual and unskilled employment have a 10 per centum more opportunity of enduring from Coronary Heart Disease than those employed in managerial places, despite those persons populating in the same country ( ibid ) . First, a brief definition of CHD will be offered in order to help apprehension of how this disease develops, and how unhealthy behaviors can lend to its oncoming. Second, an account of a wellness inequality will be given. Then, assorted studies that have been published in relation to wellness inequalities will be examined in order to offer an account for this inequality. This will include analyzing assorted facets of the lives of persons that are placed in the lower socio-economic category in an effort to explicate behavior that is harmful to wellness. Finally, the function of the Multi Disciplinary squad and the nurse will be discussed, this will include authorities schemes for societal policy, in order to place countries of enterprises to better cases of decease from CHD. CHD is a term used to depict the effects of impaired or absent coronary blood flow to the myocardium, by and large caused by fatty plaques known as atheroma developing within the interior liner of the coronary arterias ( Porth 2004 ) . NHS Choices ( 2009a ) province that cases of CHD are far more likely to happen if an single fumes, is corpulent or has a diet that has a high content of concentrated fat. The National Office of Statistics ( 2008 ) reported that in 2007 there were 2951 deceases under the age of 75 in Wales straight linked with CVD, and that 1662 of these were due to CHD The wellness of the state has shown marked betterment throughout the old ages. Harmonizing to the House of Commons ( 2008 ) the life anticipation in 1948 for work forces was 66.4 old ages and 71.2 old ages for adult females. In 2000 they had risen to 75.6 old ages and 80.3 old ages severally. However, despite these betterments, wellness inequalities still exist amongst specific groups within society ( ibid ) .According to the World Health Organisation ( WHO 2010 ) a wellness inequality constitutes a pronounced difference in the distribution of wellness between changing societal groups. These societal groups can run from societal category, age, gender, ethnicity, disablement, geographics gender or linguistic communication ( ibid ) . Historically, those included in the lower ranks of employment and hence placed in the lower socio-economic category, are far more likely to endure sick wellness and higher morbidity rates than those at the top of the societal graduated table ( WHO 2010 ) . Harmonizing to Black ( 1980 ) poorness has ever been a major factor in high mortality rates amongst the lower socio-economic categories, peculiarly in cases of famishment, infection and respiratory unwellness. However, Black acknowledged that the nexus between poorness and circulatory disease was less straightforward ( ibid ) . In an effort to mensurate the extent of these inequalities, during 1977 the Labour authorities commissioned The Working Group on inequalities chaired by Sir Douglas Black to measure the deductions of wellness and societal policy, and to garner information about differences in wellness position amongst changing societal categories ( Townsend and Davidson 1992 ) . The findings were presented to the Secretary of State of the new Conservative authorities in April 1980 ( ibid ) . Black ( 1980 ) concluded that despite the general betterment in wellness across Britain, marked differences in the wellness between those in societal category I and those in societal category V have remained, and in some cases increased. Black ( 1980 ) suggested that one of the grounds for this could be due to the displacement in occupational position across the UK. He explained that those undertaking traditional semi-skilled or unskilled employment tended to be older than those from the mean work force. However, Townsend and Davidson ( 1990 ) argue that despite the age disparity between societal categories, the likeliness of an single death before the age of retirement in societal category IV is dual that of those in societal category I. Furthermore, they go on to state that mortality is a characteristic of category across the life span and non merely during old age, with persons from the lower categories enduring higher morbidity rates during childhood, adolescence and maturity ( ibid ) . A follow on from the Black Report was commissioned in 1986 by the Health Education Council before its death in 1987, and was updated in 1992 ( Whitehead 1992 ) . The Health Divide published grounds which revealed serious inequalities in wellness had continued throughout the 1980 ‘s and into the 1990 ‘s ( ibid ) . During the 1990 ‘s the work of Sir Douglas Black was acknowledged and built on in a study by Sir Donald Acheson, who was invited by the Secretary of State for Health to place a scope of countries for future policy development in order to cut down wellness inequalities ( DOH 1998 ) . Black ( 1980 ) suggested that the high proportion of incidences of certain diseases, including that of circulative disease in the lower socio-economic categories could be attributed to the complete indulgence of merchandises that are harmful to the organic structure, and non to want and poorness. Black ( 1980 ) specifically highlighted the significance of the ingestion of baccy merchandises in the aetiology of diseases such as circulative disease. He questioned the impression that the usage of baccy merchandises is a strictly voluntary pre-occupation by and large undertaken by the irresponsible and highlighted the fact that the authorities makes huge sums of money out of its production and sale. However, Black besides acknowledged that the usage of baccy merchandises could non be blamed for the cause of sick wellness, but suggested that it should be viewed as a secondary phenomenon caused by underlying characteristics of society. He raised concerns for the hereafter, admiting that although pre-conceptions sing the usage of baccy were altering, this alteration had finally taken topographic point within the higher socio-economic categories, and would go on to make so, doing the wellness spread to turn even wider. Acheson ( DOH 1998 ) found, that as Black had predicted there was a clear societal category gradient in both work forces and adult females sing the ingestion of baccy merchandises. He found that 12 % per centum of professional work forces and 11 % of professional adult females were reported to be tobacco users, compared with 41 % of unskilled work forces and 36 % of unskilled adult females go oning to smoke. Furthermore, those in the higher socio-economic category who professed to smoking consumed fewer coffin nails than their opposite numbers in the lower socio-economic category ( ibid ) . Acheson ( DOH 1998 ) besides found that those in the lower categories had lower surcease rates than tobacco users in the higher categories. Similarly, the category gradient had widened in regard of deceases from CHD ( see appendix 1 ) . Acheson concluded that smoke is a clear component in mortality differences between societal categories, doing deceases from assorted malignant neoplastic diseases, respiratory unwellnesss and CHD ( ibid ) . The Wanless Report ‘Securing Good Health for the Population ‘ was published in 2004, and besides highlighted smoke as a major cause of high mortality rates under the age of 70 in the lower socio-economic category ( Wanless 2004 ) . Wanless called for smoke to be banned in public topographic points, particularly within the workplace, faulting inactive smoke for cases of malignant neoplastic disease ‘s and bosom disease amongst both tobacco users and non tobacco users ( ibid ) . Harmonizing to Acheson ( DOH 1998 ) the wider socio-economic factors of an person ‘s life style should be taken into consideration when explicating wellness inequalities. Marmot ( 2010 ) concurs, saying than unhealthy behaviors entirely, can non be responsible for the serious wellness inequalities that exist in today ‘s society. As a consequence, Acheson ( DOH 1998 ) implemented a socio-economic theoretical account of wellness, which examined an person ‘s exposure to inequalities from before birth and throughout the full life span. Acheson ( DOH 1998 ) acknowledged that an person ‘s age, sex and constitutional position did so impact their wellness, as did their personal wonts such as smoke and hapless diet. However, Acheson argued that wider influences such as friends, household, community, instruction, lodging, work environment and entree to wellness attention besides had a bearing on an person ‘s wellness position ( ibid ) . Therefore, in order to understand the relationship between low socio-economic category and CHD, it is necessary to look into the psychological and societal influences that are experienced by persons within this group. Harmonizing to Acheson ( DOH 1998 ) unemployment rates amongst unskilled workers are four times higher than those from professional groups. Acheson goes on to state that employment is a major constituent in an person ‘s position within society ; it determines their income, societal standing and their ability to take part within society. Furthermore Acheson states that being unemployed can hold damaging effects in both physical and mental wellness, being linked to a sedentary life style and increased ingestion of baccy and intoxicant ( ibid ) . However, the nexus between unemployment and sick wellness is hard to turn out, as it is non clear whether the ground for the unemployment is due to ill wellness that is already present, or whether being unemployed is the cause of the sick wellness ( Schurring et al 2007 ) . Acheson besides suggests that those persons who are in employment tend to be engaged in work that is low paid, insecure and of hapless quality and that offers little, or no chance of publicity ( DOH 1998 ) . Johnson ( 2004 ) argue that those from the lower categories constantly experience high degrees of physiological emphasis, and low degrees of control in the workplace, coupled with low wagess in footings of occupation security, publicity chances, money and regard. However, Stansfield and Marmot ( 2002 ) point out that despite grounds to propose that psychological emphasis at work can be a conducive factor in cases of CHD, it is besides of import non to undervalue the consequence of other nerve-racking constituents of an person ‘s life that are non work related. Persons that are unemployed or have low paid occupations constantly face poorness and adversity. They are more likely to brood in unsuitable lodging, that is frequently moist, overcrowded and in an country that has hapless entree to comfortss ( Acheson DOH 1998 ) . Harmonizing to Siegrist and Marmot ( 2006 ) those from the lower socio-economic category tend to populate in vicinities that experience high degrees of offense, and physical impairment. Skogan ( 1990 ) concurs, saying that persons that reside in these countries have, non themselves, chosen to make so ; hence, they have no existent motive to keep their belongingss or that of their vicinity. This in bend discourages commercial investing in the country, doing it to drop further into want ( ibid ) . Due to miss of fundss these persons are less likely to have any signifier of private conveyance ( DOH 1998 ) . This can hold a direct impact on entree to low-cost food markets, health care, and employment chances. WHO ( 2010 ) suggest that hapless lodging and location non merely do physical wellness jobs but that they are besides a direct cause of emphasis, depression and associated psychological unwellnesss. Harmonizing to Stansfield and Marmot ( 2002 ) nerve-racking life conditions, including those of employment and lodging have marked associations with coffin nail smoke. They go on to province that the prevalence of coffin nail smoke is closely linked with the experience and direction of emphasis. Many people use smoking as a self-medication to assist them get by with the emphasis they experience in their mundane lives ( ibid ) . However, harmonizing to Parrott ( 1999 ) , baccy ingestion is in fact a cause of emphasis, and non the emphasis stand-in that many tobacco users believe it to be. NHS Choices ( 2009b ) agree, saying that tobacco user ‘s may experience a diminution in emphasis degrees once they have smoked a coffin nail, nevertheless this lone occurs because they have satisfied their craving for nicotine. Once the nicotine has worn of the person will one time once more experience stressed ( ibid ) . Harmonizing to Stansfield and Marmot ( 2002 ) both emphasis and baccy ingestion are both clear markers in morbidity rates for CHD, and could take some manner to explicating high cases of this disease within the lower socio-economic category. In an effort to undertake emphasis caused by work, the authorities introduced the ‘Fairness at Work Act ‘ in 1999 ( House of Commons 1999 ) . This measure was introduced in order to guarantee that employees have specific rights at work, including occupation security ( ibid ) . Harmonizing to Acheson ( DOH 1998 ) , employment jurisprudence in the United Kingdom is highly under regulated, compared to that of other industrialized states. Assorted policies sing lodging have been introduced since the Acheson Report, the most recent in Wales being ‘Improving Lifes and Communities ( Welsh Assembly Government 2010 ) . This policy aims to supply Wales with more societal lodging, and to give prospective renters more pick with respects to the countries in which they live. It pledges to better the criterion of lodging offered, to better the visual aspect and feel of communities, and to supply persons shacking in the country entree to services and installations ( ibid ) In a command to undertake happenings of diseases, including that of CHD, the authorities announced a 10 twelvemonth committedness through a white paper, Salvaging Lifes: Our Healthier Nation ( DOH 1999 ) . To run into this committedness the National Service Framework for Coronary Heart Disease was implemented and included 12 criterions to better wellness and prevent disease ( DOH 2008 ) . These rules are reflected in public wellness policy in Wales through the debut of a policy papers â€Å" Tackling Heart Disease in Wales: Implementing Through Evidence ( Welsh Assembly Government 2001 ) . As portion of the 10 twelvemonth program, they advised that local marks should be implemented in order to forestall, and cut down the ingestion of baccy merchandises. It was advised that the sale of illegal coffin nails and baccy should be closely monitored and reduced, that media coverage and national runs should be encouraged and that smoking surcease services should be implemented at local degree. In peculiar, mention was made to cut downing smoke in those on low incomes, with peculiar attending being made to pregnant adult females and their spouses ( ibid ) . The authorities pledged that by the twelvemonth 2010 deceases attributed to CHD would be reduced in the under seventy-fives by 40 % . This mark was in fact met five old ages early, with deceases rates falling by 44 % ( DOH 2008 ) In order to cut down disease caused by smoke, and to protect non tobacco users from passively inhaling baccy, a smoke prohibition was initiated on 1st July 2007 ( BBC News 2007 ) . This policy prohibits smoking in any public topographic point, including saloons, eating houses and topographic points of work. Since the smoke prohibition, research carried out by the Department of Health claim that cases of Myocardial Infarctions have reduced by 10 per centum ( Times Online 2009 ) . However, curates and anti-smoking groups think the authorities should travel farther, and are naming for smoking to be banned in autos, in order to protect kids from 2nd manus fume ( ibid ) . Despite the smoke prohibition some persons continue to smoke, harmonizing to Nice ( 2008 ) the multi disciplinary squad has a cardinal function to play in encouraging and authorising these persons to give up. Harmonizing to the Royal College of Nursing ( 2004 ) wellness publicity is the duty of every nurse. The NMC Code of Professional Conduct ( 2009 ) concur, saying that nurses are personally accountable for safeguarding and advancing the involvements of all patients and clients, irrespective of age, gender and societal fortunes. Harmonizing to Youdan and Queally ( 2005 ) nurses have a cardinal function to play in encouraging patient ‘s to give up smoke, they are ideally placed, and should enter the smoke position of all in and out patient ‘s, and where appropriate offer advice and smoke surcease options. In 2008, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, acknowledged that smoke is a major contributory factor in the wellness spread that exists between the higher and lower socio-economic categories ( Nice 2008 ) . As a consequence, NICE published its first elaborate counsel on smoking surcease ( ibid ) . Harmonizing to these guidelines all persons that come into contact with a wellness professional should be questioned on their smoke position ( ibid ) . Harmonizing to Thomas ( 2007 ) brief oppugning on the topic of smoke has become the foundation of national smoke surcease policy. Nice ( 2008 ) besides stipulate that wellness professionals should utilize as many avenues as possible to make tobacco users, saying that links between birthrate clinics, ante-natal groups, station natal assignments, tooth doctors, infirmaries and GP surgeries should be made in order to aim as many person ‘s as possible. If an single professes to smoke, the wellness professional should offer suited advice and nicotine replacing therapy ; this should be given in concurrence with continued support and a referral to the local NHS Stop Smoking Service ( Nice 2008 ) . Behavioral guidance should besides be offered where appropriate ; this can take topographic point on a one to one footing or in group Sessionss ( ibid ) . Nice ( 2008 ) acknowledges that an person ‘s societal fortunes can be hard to change in the short term ; nevertheless, they believe that behaviour alteration on an single degree is more accomplishable. Evidence has shown that category is a cardinal determiner of wellness. Those in the lower socio-economic category suffer higher degrees of CHD than those in the higher socio-economic category. It has besides been shown that they consume more tobacco merchandises and are more susceptible to emphasize. As antecedently discussed, emphasis and baccy ingestion are both clear markers in cases of CHD, therefore policy aimed at cut downing the emphasis related facets of these persons lives demands to be addressed. Similarly, the ingestion of baccy by this group besides needs to understood. This fact has been recognised by the authorities, who have introduced societal policies related to employment, lodging and smoke in an effort to cut down mortality rates within the lower categories from diseases such as CHD. Nurses and the multi disciplinary squad besides have a portion to play, peculiarly within the community. It is the duty of every wellness professional to oppugn an person with respects to their smoke position, by making so, advice, support and encouragement can be offered, in a command to alter the person ‘s attitude towards this wellness damaging behavior.Mentions:BBC News ( 2007 ) Smoking Ban Takes Effect. ( online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 16 April 2010 ) . Black ( 1980 ) The Black Report: Inequalities and Health.Socialist Health Association. ( online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( accessed 15 March 2010 ) British Heart Foundation ( 2010 ) UK Coronary Heart Disease Statistics. Department of Health. ( online ) . Available at: †¦ 1 ( Accessed 25 April 2010 ) . DOH ( 1998 ) Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health Report. Chair Sir Donald Acheson. London: The Stationary Office. DOH ( 1999 ) Salvaging Lifes: Our Healthier Nation. ( online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 19 April 2010 ) . DOH ( 2008 ) The Coronary Heart Disease National Service Framework: Building on Excellence keeping Progress. ( online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . ( Accessed 9 April 2010 ) . House of Commons ( 2008 ) Health Committee Third Report – Health Inequalities 2008-2009. Health Committee Publications. ( Online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 4 March 2010 ) . House of Commons ( 1999 ) Fairness at Work. House of Commons Library. ( online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 16 April 2010 ) . Johnson ( 2004 ) Work Stressors and Social Class. ( online. ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20article.html ( Accessed 20 April 2010 ) . Marmot ( 2010 ) Fair Society, Healthy Lives. ( online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 17 March 2010 ) . NHS Choices ( 2009a ) Coronary Heart Disease. ( Online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 26 February 2010 ) . NHS Choices ( 2009b ) Does Smoking Help Stress. ( online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // CategoryID=53 & A ; SubCategoryID=531 ( Accessed 20 April 2010 ) . National Office for Statistics ( 2008 ) All Deaths Under 75 by Cause and Sex 2007 England Wales Scotland N Ireland and United Kingdom. ( Online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 15 March 2010 ) . NICE ( 2008 ) Smoking Cessation Guidance ( Online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // pageId=8024618 ( Accessed 19 April 2010 ) . The Nursing and Midwifery Code of Professional Conduct ( 2009 ) . ( Online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ArticleID=3 056 ( Accessed 16 October 2008 ) . Parrott A ( 1999 ) Does Cigarette Smoking Cause Stress. American Psychologist. 25 ( 54 ) pp 817-20. ( online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 15 April 2010 ) . Porth CM ( 2004 ) Necessities of Pathophysiology Concepts of Altered Health States. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Royal College of Nursing ( 2004 ) Commissioning Health Services for Children and Young People- Increasing Nurses Influence. ( online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 11 April 2010 ) . Schurring M Burdorf L Kunst A Mackenbach J ( 2007 ) The effects of Ill wellness on come ining and keeping paid employment: Evidence in European Countries. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 61 597-604 ( online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 15 April 2010 ) . Siegrist J and Marmot M ( 2006 ) Social Inequalities in Health- New Evidence and Policy Implications. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Skogan ( 1990 ) Disorder and Decline – Crime and the Spiral Decay in American Neighbourhoods. California: University of California Press. ( online ) . available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // id=ASrAMJh7LngC & A ; printsec=frontcover & A ; dq=skogan+disorder+and+decline & A ; source=bl & A ; ots=_-DBYsfGXN & A ; sig=kPSCk3NGusegOJ_B ( Accessed 18 April 2010 ) . Stansfield A Marmot G ( explosive detection systems. ) ( 2002 ) Stress and the Heart Psychological Pathways to Coronary Heart Disease. London: BMJ Books. Timess Online ( 2009 ) Heart Attacks Plummet After Smoking Ban. ( online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 18 April 2010 ) . Townsend P and Davidson N ( 1992 ) The Black Report. ( 2nd edn. ) London: Penguin Group. Thomas S ( 2007 ) Smoking Cessation Part 1: Brief Interventions. Nursing Standard. 22 ( 4 ) pp 47-49. WHO ( 2010 ) Developing the EvidenceBase for Tackling Health Inequalities and differential Effectss. ( online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 19 March 2010 ) . Wanless D ( 2004 ) Procuring Good Health for the Whole Population. Department of Health. ( online ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 17 April 2010 ) . Welsh Assembly Government ( 2001 ) Undertaking CHD in Wales: Implementing Through Evidence. ( on-line. ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 12 March 2010 ) . Welsh Assembly Government ( 2010 ) Bettering Lifes and Communities. ( Online ) . Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed 17 April 2020 ) . Whitehead M ( 1992 ) Inequalities in Health – The Health Divide. London: Penguin Group. Youdan and Queally ( 2005 ) Nurses ‘ Role In Promoting and Supporting Smoking Cessation. The Nursing Times. 10 ( 10 ) pp 26-28.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Nigerian Women in Nation Building Essay

Most times, the Nigerian woman is denied her right to womanhood and her dignity but nature made it that a woman holds the highest office in the nature and nurture of man though this is often negated by those men who think women are subservience to them. Women, just like men are created by God in His own image and likeness. That is to say, that they too are endowed with wisdom and knowledge, which men claim to be exclusively theirs. It is for this reason that men, have dominated the world at times, by force thereby, excluding women from nation building and development. Can these men really be afraid? And out of fear cling to power as if it is their prerogative and women have no say or place in it. Well, once a women is sold out in an early marriage, hers is ended as she is left with no other option but to bear children and take care of the home which most times is left ungovernable for her by her fellow women in the likes of her mother in-law and sisters in-law more so, if she fails to bear the desired children. That notwithstanding, when a woman has the opportunity to perform other tasks, she performs them excellently. Existing literatures suggest that even the less educated African woman is more pushy than her more educated counterpart who clings to her husband when it comes to taking charge of situations. WOMEN AS SEEN BY OTHERS: It is rather unfortunate that in spite of the tremendous roles played by women in the development of the nation, some people still believe that they are better seen than heard. However, the popular saying that â€Å"what a man can do a woman can do better† remains a reality and for this singular fact, the male faction are afraid of defeat hence their struggle for dominance. The little chances given to women so far, has proven them to be made of sterner stuff than their male counterparts. Women have always been able to manage their families at times, without the help of their husbands who still see them as weaker sex but the fact still remains that if you train a woman, you train a nation and this saying goes a long way to show the importance and relevance of women in the society. Because the woman is regarded the home maker, whenever the home is stable the credit goes to the woman who supervises the day to day running of the home by taking care of the children  from birth to adulthood while still doing other house chores. It becomes imperative therefore, that the woman helps mould the character of the children as they grow. The husband is not left out of this as the good and cheerful disposition of the man in public or office is attributed to the peace and tranquility he enjoys at home as a result of the woman’s care and love. Sometimes, when the home front is not so rosy, the woman is also, blamed since it is believed that the place of the woman is in the home as a facilitator of domestic activities or as an agent of procreation and for this, it was equally believed that the woman cannot make any meaningful contribution to the growth or development of the community and as such, the development of the country will be much too big for her. Nigeria like in most other African nations, culture and tradition relegated the woman to the background, only recognizing her as a second class citizen who can neither positively impact nor contribute to the growth of the nation and as such, the women is usually not recognize as a member of a family because from her father’s house, she goes to her husband ’s where she is equally not seen as a member of either. Most times in this case, the woman is disinherited as a daughter and as a wife. She has no legal claim to her father’s or husband’s property; at times, she’s deprived her right to vote and be voted for hence the limited number of women in elective positions. The woman bears the brunt when her husband dies especially if he is wealthy, she definitely killed to take possession of his money therefore, must be made to drink the water used in washing the corpse to prove her innocence. If the man dies, the woman is made to shave her hair and wear sack cloth for a designated number of months while the man does whatever it is he wants when the woman dies. The list of oppression faced by the womenfolk is unending but the fact remains that though the woman is always seen as the weaker sex, they are in actual fact, the stronger of the two genders but dominated by culture and tradition. In fact scholars are of the opinion that women share, by virtue of being women, a set of common experiences. These experiences though not derived from biological facts are their common experiences of oppression which come in different forms. In most communities in Nigeria, it is an abomination for a woman to want to take part in discussions on policies about community development. Her place is usually the kitchen so can only be seen and never heard. Most times, she is given limited opportunity  educationally and otherwise and usually sold out in marriage at early age, though this is no longer the case as most of them nowadays are given equal educational opportunity as their male siblings. WOMEN AS DEVELOPMENT AGENTS: Culture and Tradition may be seen as the major causes of the injustices meted out to women but we seem to forget that we are the medium and outcome of what we call tradition. This is because of the fact that though tradition shapes us, we are actually the ones who make tradition. Women though treated roughly by this so called culture and tradition, still remain the light of any nation as those that have not given women their rightful positions in politics and otherwise, still have a long way to go as they have not attained their desired heights. While those nations that have recognized the importance of women and given them the opportunity to function, have attained their full potentials. Countries such as USA and Britain are good examples of this. Women with their doggedness and desire for perfection, will always work to achieve their set goals if given the opportunity, not minding whose ox is gored while their male counterpart will work to gratify self and whoever assisted in putting in the office at the detriment of the masses. Women at the detriment of themselves and their families will work to ensure the safety of the nation she is given the opportunity to serve. Dora Akunyili is a good example, when she was the DG NAFDAC who even at the expense of her own life, was still fighting sub standard drugs unlike her successor (male) who backed down after a few threats to his life. The scriptures say, when the righteous are in power the people rejoice this is the case with women for whenever a woman is in power, there are great positive changes which in turn, makes the people better for it. NIGERIAN WOMEN WHO CONTRIBUTED TO NATION BUILDING: With the 1995 World Women Congress in Beijing, China, a new story began for women as opportunity was given to women especially in the area of education, and today in Nigeria, thirty five percent is claimed to be allotted to women in political and public offices though this is yet to be confirmed. However, the relevance and necessity of the active participation of women in nation building have always been proven as those who had the opportunity of proving themselves did so gallantly. The contributions of women such as Prof (Mrs.)  Grace Alele Williams, former Vice Chancellor of the University of Benin (UNIBEN); Prof (Mrs.) Bolanle Awe of the University of Ibadan (UI); the late Mrs. Jadesola Akande, former Vice Chancellor of Lagos State University (LASU) and those of our own Prof Chinyere Okunna and Prof Azuka Omenugha, of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka (UNIZIK) have turned the wheel of education in Nigeria. Their contributions have to a large extent, proved the capability, relia bility, integrity and dignity of women in nation building. Women, such as Chief (Mrs.) Folake Sholanke, the first woman Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN); Chief (Mrs.) Mariam Aloma Mukhtar the first female Chief Justice of Nigeria have shown themselves worthy of the title and a host of other Nigerian women legal luminaries who have contributed immensely to the protection of human and women rights and these contributions have assisted in ensuring justice for the common man. On the political scene, a lot of women such as the late Chief (Mrs.) Margret Ekpo, the late Adama Nwapa, Alhaja Sawaba Gambo, Leila Dongoyaro, Serah Jubril, Titi Ajanaku, Remi Adikwu-Bakere and a whole lot of others effectively challenged their male counterparts in politics and achieved a lot because it is based on their efforts that the new crop of women politicians presently in the National and State Houses of Assembly came into being. Most of the women who got appointed into political offices also proved their mettle and have continued to be sought after irrespective of the party in power. Women such as Chief (Mrs.) Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Obiageli Ezekwesili, Nenadi Usman, Arunma Otteh, Prof Dora Akunyili. These women, though in a male dominated regime, showcased their expertise as managers and were able to distinguish themselves thereby, contributing to the growth of the economy as their contributions were able to bring financial prudence, accountability and due process to public service; no wonder these women were respected and revered outside the shores of the nation and sometimes, regarded as ambassadors of the country. Some Nigerian women also contributed in showcasing the country to the outside world through their different works of art. The women include: Chief (Mrs.) Kuforiji Olubi, Chief (Mrs.) Olakurin, Christy Essien Igbokwe, Onyeka Onwenu, Mabel Segun and Chimamanda Adichie among others who in their various capacities assisted in the development of the country. There are lots and lots of Nigerian women who in one way or the other contributed to the growth of the country in many ways; showing that women  are neither lacking in vision nor leadership qualities but only have not been given the opportunity to showcase their capabilities in taking the country to greater heights. Changes can still happen in the political terrain of the nation, if our women are given equal opportunities as their male counterparts. If women are given more responsibilities in governance and other areas, changes can be achieved in all aspects of the Nigerian economy. If the thirty five percent female representation is religiously upheld, many women of integrity who will transform the country politically, economically and socially will be discovered to help fine tune the wheel of governance in Nigeria. The country may have remained in the doldrums of underdevelopment for the mere fact that our women have not been given the opportunity to help mould the fate of the na tion. CONCLUSION From the foregoing, it will be deduced that Nigerian women have proved their ability to take the country to the next level in both political and economic spheres. We are yet to be there since we still have so much to do before we can beat our chests with pride. The Nigerian woman is yet to be encouraged to participate more in the affairs of the nation. This should be done to enable her contribute her quota to the development of the country at all levels. She should be encouraged to show concern and commitment to the development the nation, as well as, offer themselves for service to their fatherland. The issue of gender equality should be regarded as the priority of the country so as to give Nigerian women equal opportunities to compete with their male counterparts in a more conducive environment. Our women should come together and fight as one for their rights so as to occupy positions of authority in the affairs of the country. They must continue to struggle to achieve their aim and not succumb to the weaker sex syndrome. Women leaders must be focused and they must be women of impeccable character who will be able to lead and perform creditably when given the opportunity. NGOs should be better organized to be able to mobilize for positive actions in every aspect of nation building. Government at all levels should be more disposed to assisting the women of the country in their struggle for emancipation and equality if their activities are in consonance with the norms and policies of the country. These and lots more will assist in  ensuring that the set goals of our great nation be achieved if unity of purpose, determination, solidarity and patriotism become our watchwords.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Career Assessments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Career Assessments - Essay Example The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Big Five Factor assessments are the most commonly used tools in career counseling nowadays. MBTI is a psychometric questionnaire which is formulated to measure psychological preferences of people about how they perceive the world and make decisions accordingly. On the other hand, The Big Five model or Five Factor Model (BFM) is the analysis of personality through five dimensions of personality traits, i.e., Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and openness to experience. A Swiss psychiatrist Carl G Jung researched extensively in order to explore the psychological preferences of humans in making decisions and performing task which depicts their specific traits, for example; study habits and way of relaxation. Jung experiments influenced his students, Isabel Briggs and Katherine Briggs who took Myer’s theory into application which emerged into Type Indicator (MBTI[R]).It is more of a self report questionnaire which is devised to make Myer’s theory more understandable and adaptable in order to make clear psychological identification of normal people and guide them in making good decisions according to their strengths and potential. It is applied in the stress management, organizational development, learning and communication style and team building as well (Bryan & Ashley, 2004). Big Five is quite easy and short personality assessment; it is good for the assessment of non-managerial staff but not appropriate for managerial or executive level roles as they involve complex capabilities and working attitudes which are more than just personality. Dr. Robert Hogan (As cited in Matthias, 2009) narrates that the four MBTI scales are sorted in 16 Types which are attributed to preferences, values and cognitive styles Information about the specific Type is used for career guidance and organizational activities. Personality psychologists consider MBTI crucial and opt for

Friday, September 27, 2019

Therapeutic Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Therapeutic Approach - Essay Example purpose of this paper, a 38 year old female client residing in the UK is considered and therefore the Diagnosis and therapy discussed are according to her needs. Before discussing different styles, it is helpful to mention therapy is time limited in nature ("Psychological and counseling,") that not every approach suits every patient. General public doesn’t know that psychology is a huge field and psychotherapy takes many forms. Often clients/patients feel dissatisfied after a session with a new psychotherapist. Afterwards, they blame psychological studies for their dissatisfaction. When the reality is that they might have met the right shrink (psychologist) but he/she used an approach that didn’t suit the client. Keeping that in mind, the imaginary patient used here is a 38 year old Cynthia, resides in England and suffers from chronic depression. Here are three approaches that can be used to diagnose and treat her. These therapies can be applied according to the response the patient is showing to the treatment. Cognitive therapy focuses on what people think rather than what they do (Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2013). This is a therapeutic approach where the practitioner tries to understand the thought pattern of the patient. Why is this important? Our world exists around us because we think (consciously & unconsciously) that it exists, we understand and accept that the environment around us exists and that leads to the human perception (or the other way around; perception is reality). Diagnosing Cynthia will require certain exercises such as asking her to note down her thoughts and feelings, before, during and after she has had a depressed phase. Writing down information will help the practitioner keep track of her thought cycle. This will be very effective in diagnosing the problem, i-e is Cynthia depressed for external reasons or is she only choosing to be depressed? Extending Cynthia’s hypothetical example, suppose she jots down she got depressed

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Imageries unveiled Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Imageries unveiled - Essay Example The general tone is one of obscurity and inconspicuous violence. It contains inconceivably dark images, which this paper is going to explore in the following paragraphs. After the first reading of the story, the reader is sufficiently horrified. But the techniques used by Faulkner make it slightly painless to digest the grotesqueness of the plot. One technique used by the author is that of jumbling the chronology of events in a suspenseful manner. The other is that of the narrator’s shifting point of view, which lays stress on Miss Emily’s strength of rationale, her detachment and her conceit. This diminishes the repugnance of her actions. The narrator of â€Å"A Rose for Emily† functions like a mirror upon Miss Emily Grierson’s life. One critic, Kenneth Payson Kempton calls her an â€Å"extreme of anonymity† yet he asserts his point across the story (Sullivan 1971). Faulkner’s use of symbols and metaphors in the story enhances the intensity of the plot. The story starts with the funeral of Miss Emily to be held in her house, not the Church. The narrator gives a description of Miss Emily and her house. She is compared with the decay of her house in many physical, emotional and mental ways. She also represents the Old South through her southern heritage, points of view and stubbornness. Her death becomes a symbol of a dying generation, since Old South generations were deteriorating very rapidly due to the changing customs and traditions. Faulkner describes her as dressed in black, leaning on a cane. Her â€Å"skeleton† is small and she looks â€Å"bloated† with a â€Å"pallid hue†. He avoids directly saying that she is dead. These phrases of depiction add to the gothic quality of the story. The back and forth movement of the narrative gives the reader a close-up of her life. She remains in denial after her father’s death. For three days she insists that her father is not dead. This prepares th e reader to expect a similar gesture from her after she poisons her lover, Homer Barron. Emily’s house is an emblem of alienation and death, enveloped with mental illness. Just like Emily, the house, too, is an object of fascination for the townspeople. Another symbol in the story is the strand of hair found on the pillow next to the dead corpse. It reminds the reader of the lost love and the extent to which people can go in pursuit of happiness. It also reveals a woman’s inner life, which refuses to submit and chooses to remain in solitude all her life. Emily, as stubborn and strict as she is, believes in abiding by the rules but in her own morality makes it permissible for herself to murder. The narrator foreshadows the discovery of the strand of hair while he portrays Emily’s transformation as she ages. The reader also comes across â€Å"black†, as a color with a very strong imagery. It represents loss, melancholy and obscurity. In her youth, Emily is completely shut from her sympathetic environment (Watkins 1954). She belonged to an aristocratic family. Her father occupied a high social position in the town of Jefferson. He shunned Emily from the rest of the world and forbade her to meet anyone. This attitude was so detrimental to her personality that she could never overcome its strength. She became extremely reliant on her father that it later became difficult for her to forget him. The story is a masterpiece for exposing such an

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Strategic Management Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic Management Paper - Assignment Example The value discipline approach was created by Michael Tracy and Fred Wiersema. The three value disciplines are operational excellence, product leadership, and customer intimacy. Operational excellence deals with having superb operations and executions and execution quality at a reasonable price (Valuebasedmanagement, 2011). This strategy is not aligned with the objectives of Auxilium Pharmaceutical. The company has two patented product one of them, Xiaflex, was introduced in 2011. The company must implement a retail price strategy for its drugs, thus selling cheap or at discounted price is not a possibility. Product leadership is associated with innovation and brand marketing in dynamic marketplaces. This approach would be very suitable for Auxilium Pharmaceutical. The company already has build up some brand value due to its 13 years of existence in the marketplace. The third value discipline is customer intimacy. This approach is achieved by providing superb customer service and cust omer attention. The use of this value discipline can help the company achieve long term growth. The second strategy that the company can consider to achieve growth is the use of a generic strategy. The generic growth strategy approach was developed by Michael Porter. The three generic strategies are cost leadership, differentiation, and focus strategy. Cost leadership implies attempting to become the market leader in terms of prices in your industry. A cost leadership strategy is not well suited for a pharmaceutical company that sells patented drugs. Drug companies have to invest at least $1.2 billion to develop a new drug. Pharmaceutical companies such as Auxilium Pharmaceutical are given 20 years of patent protection to be able to recover their investment and to obtain a reasonable profit. Auxilium Pharmaceutical should not pursue a cost leadership strategy. The second generic strategy is called differentiation. â€Å"A differentiation strategy calls for the development of a prod uct or service that offers unique attributes that are valued by customers and that customers perceive to be better than or different from the products of the competition† ( Mcraigh, 2011). This growth strategy is aligned with the mission, vision, and objectives of Auxilium Pharmaceutical. The third generic strategy is focus. Focus is a hybrid strategy that attempts to achieve both cost and differentiation. Such a strategy is suitable for large companies with multiple products. Auxilium Pharmaceutical only has two products the company is aggressively marketing. The third strategy that Auxilium Pharmaceutical may pursue is a grand strategy. A grand strategy can be defined as a comprehensive long term plan of actions by which a firm plans to change its long term objectives (Businessdictionary, 2011). Some of the ways a company can implement a grand strategy to achieve business growth are joint ventures, acquisition, strategic alliances, divesture and diversification. A joint vent ure occurs when went two or more companies unite forces to form a new single entity. Prior to China’s acceptance into the WTO in 2001 the only way for foreign companies to penetrate the Chinese market was to form joint ventures with Chinese state owned companies. Strategic alliances occur when two or more companies participate together in a project or business function. For instance in the airline industry it is common for companies to form strategic alliance

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant - Essay Example He has successfully brought together all the elements of the story to reach the conclusion of the story, a lesson that his readers would find important as one journey through life. Wetherell’s symbolisms are very simple and uncomplicated and his readers won’t find it difficult to understand the mark he wanted to leave them. Ultimately, the bass, though a flat character, is central to the conflict of the story. The importance of the bass is apparent when he says, â€Å"†¦it seemed I would be torn apart by longings†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This signifies that the bass stands for the narrator’s values in life, his longing for accomplishment and capture something important for him. Fishing is an important part of the narrator’s life. Wetherell makes sure that the readers know this as the narrator prepares for his date with Sheila Mant. The first thing that links the narrator to the importance of fishing in his life is offering Sheila Mant a canoe ride instead of a car ride to go Dixford, where a band will be playing. As he is preparing his canoe, he is seen polishing it, and, â€Å"automatically, without thinking about it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he s tuck a fishing rod in the stern. This implies that fishing has always been part of his river trips, and as narrated, he â€Å"never went anywhere that summer without a fishing rod.† The narrator even takes the time to tell the readers what he is doing when not trying to impress Sheila. And that is all about fishing. Wetherell ensures that the readers truly feel that fishing is significant to his main character. This indicates that the bass is not just some fish that the narrator wants to catch. The description of how big it could have been indicates how big its importance is. This signifies that all of us have values that we want to protect and the accomplishments we’re working on to get. The conflict of the story does not begin when the bass gets caught in the narrator’s line. The conflict begins when Sheila Mant hears splashing sounds

Monday, September 23, 2019

Maroon Societies in Colonial Brazil Research Paper

Maroon Societies in Colonial Brazil - Research Paper Example This means that they wanted to have their own social, political, religious, and economic organization. It should be noted that once slaves had been recruited by their masters, there was no definite time they would be freed. This means that they were certain of staying in their slavery in their entire lives. However, from the beginning of 1500s, slaves started looking for ways of forming their own free society. It was during this time that the Maroon society came into existence. In this paper, an in-depth outlook on the Maroon society of Brazil will be considered. The considerations will involve a detailed outlook of literature review dealing with the foundation of the community while looking at the political, religious and military aspects of the community. The term Maroon, also Quilombo is used to denote a group of Runways slaves in American. As a result, the runway slaves later came to form a society that is referred to as Maroon. The formation of the Maroon society is an important feature in the history of the world because the society enables the contemporary world to grasp the history of slave trade that begun towards the end of 1400 and ended in 1888. The term Maroon is derived from Spanish word ‘cimarron’ meaning feral cattle. The term was later used on runaway slaves because they were slaves that could no longer be tamed. The societies of Maroon were common in Brazil and Caribbean. The North America and other parts of South America were occupied by the Maroon. The Maroon society posed a serous threat to the organization of slave trade and also to slave owners. Their presence and organization meant that it would not be easy to have slaves for their usual purposes or for trading functions. On the other hand, the maroon society was a relief to slaves. It marked a sign of relief, hope and emancipation from their slavery. Currently, the Maroon community is not known by the term Quilombo. Instead, the community is currently termed as Mocambos. Th e Maroon community had myriads of societies that settled in Brazil. One of the most dominant communities in Brazil was Palmares, also called the palm nation1. This community was formed in early 17th century. The Palmares was well-organized politicaly, socially, and economically. Just like other communities, it was ruled by a king called Zumbi. This community existed for over a decade until it was conquered by the Portuguese. History of the Formation Process of the Maroon Societies As early as 1552, Brazil was practicing slavery in its administration and legal institution. During this time, Brazil was had a large demand for labor for its sugar and tobacco plantations. As a result, the demand for slaves from Africa increased. More slaves were taken from Africa to Brazil. During the period between 1570 and 1670, slavery was at its peak in Brazil. At the same time, brutality was at its peak in the slavery industry. Slaves were beaten, given impossible quotas to meet, and subjected to po or and abusive working and living conditions2. Given these conditions, slaves were forced to look for an escape route from their conditions. Following the harsh slavery conditions, slaves started escaping from the firms in Brazil and forming their own settlements. Despite the escape, slave owners, such Freidrich Won Weech, saw their escape attempts as another process of initiating into a new form of slavery. This is because as soon as they escaped, they were pursued and caught and thereafter subjected to some worse kind of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hominoids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hominoids - Essay Example Another classification involves two tribes, Panini and Homini. Both Pan and Gorilla genera are divisions in the Panini tribe, while Homini tribe includes Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens, better known as human beings belong to the Hominidae family and the Homo genus. Hylobates, Pongo pygmaecus, Pan paniscus, Pan troglodytes, Gorilla gorilla and Homo sapiens are the six different species of Homonoids. Chimpanzees belong to the Pan genus. They spend a considerable amount of time on the ground and inhabit in large complex social groupings. They are specially adapted for knuckle walking. They also indulge in hunting as a group, sharing of food and tool making. They resemble our ancestors in anatomy as well as social behavior and are considered to be our closest living cousins. Orangutans belong to the Pongo genus. They are generalized climbers and are most isolated among the primates. Gorillas are the largest among primates. The male gorilla is larger and stronger than its female counterpart. The male gorilla has exclusive relationships with a group of females and keeps away male rivals from this group. The Old World species exhibit sexual dimorphism as a result of polygynous mating system. Hence, the males are bigger and stronger than the females to attract and sustain the pressure of defending multiple mates.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Direct and Online Marketing - the New Marketing Model Essay Example for Free

Direct and Online Marketing the New Marketing Model Essay I. INTRODUCTION With the growth of the Internet community and the limitless possibilities the Internet gives to the single user, it didnt take long before someone realized that the World Wide Web is a really good place for the commercial entrepreneur. So, very quickly the online market was born, offering almost all kinds of goods to be purchased and delivered to your door. This new online sensation was called electronic commerce, or ecommerce. E-commerce is a complex term referring to the process of selling and buying products and services over the Internet or other electronic systems. Considered as the sales aspect of the e-business, the electronic commerce has revolutionized trade as a routine activity for the contemporary man by bringing the marketplace to your home or the office, thus saving you time and efforts. The development of e-commerce has given birth to new terms such as electronic funds transfer, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), Internet marketing, automated data collection systems, etc. They all designate certain key components of the sophisticated e-commerce system. The majority of processes running within the e-commerce system are carried out on the World Wide Web. It is on the web where goods and services are presented through variously designed e-commerce websites to match the taste of a particular target audience. From there customers can order the desired items and pay for them in a variety of supported e-payment options such as credit cards, PayPal, etc. Certain e-commerce operations are executed via email as well. These may include sending order placement confirmations or electronic invoice notifications to the buyers personal mailbox after a particular purchase. Depending on the nature of the offered products and services, ecommerce operations may involve virtual and physical items. Due to the increasing use of the Internet in our daily lives, the percentage of the virtual items distributed through ecommerce is rapidly growing. These include services like buying admission to limited access websites or electronic versions of newspapers and magazines, online gaming, etc. Nevertheless, the majority of e-commerce transactions are still related to the purchase and transportation of physical items. As far as the parties involved in the online transaction process are concerned, ecommerce can be thought of as being business-to-consumer, more popular as B2C, and business-to-business, also known as B2B. The B2C ecommerce, conducted between business entities and consumers, includes all online stores (e-shops) offering retail products and services to end customers such as flower stores, shoe stores, furniture stores, etc. The B2B commerce, on the other hand, takes place between business entities only, such as wholesalers and retailers, on not that widely popular web stores. The rapid expansion of ecommerce has made it possible for almost all big retail companies to set up their own online stores with regularly updated content. Thus, it is now easier than ever to obtain an item from the latest collection of your favorite clothes brand, or be among the first to take advantage of a starting clearance campaign. Moreover, the ecommerce fashion is gradually infecting smaller retail companies, which find it as a good chance to expand their reach to potential customers and increase the selling volumes. This trend is stimulated by the attractive low-cost ecommerce hosting services offered by different hosts on the web. II. ONLINE MARKETING Online marketing, also known as online advertisement, internet marketing, online marketing or e-marketing, is the marketing and promotion of products or services over the Internet. Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web to deliver marketing messages to attract customers. TYPES OF ONLINE MARKETING * Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engines natural or un-paid (organic) search results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engines users. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search and industry-specific vertical search engines. As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content, HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of backlinks, or inbound links, is another SEO tactic. The plural of the abbreviation SEO can refer to search engine optimizers, those who provide SEO service. * Pay-Per-Click Advertising (also called cost per click) is an Internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, where advertisers pay the publisher (typically a website owner) when the ad is clicked. With search engines, advertisers typically bid on keyword phrases relevant to their target market. Content sites commonly charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. PPC display advertisements, also known as banner ads, are shown on web sites or search engine results with related content that have agreed to show ads. In contrast to the generalized portal, which seeks to drive a high volume of traffic to one site, PPC implements the so-called affiliate model that provides purchase opportunities wherever people may be surfing. It does this by offering financial incentives (in the form of a percentage of revenue) to affiliated partner sites. The affiliates provide purchase-point click-through to the merchant. It is a pay-for-performance model: If an affiliate does not generate sales, it represents no cost to the merchant. Variations include banner exchange, pay-per-click, and revenue sharing programs. Websites that utilize PPC ads will display an advertisement when a keyword query matches an advertisers keyword list, or when a content site displays relevant content. Such advertisements are called sponsored links or sponsored ads, and appear adjacent to, above, or beneath organic results on search engine results pages, or anywhere a web developer chooses on a content site. Among PPC providers, Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, and Microsoft adCenter used to be the three largest network operators, and all three operate under a bid-based model. In 2010, Yahoo and Microsoft launched their combined effort against Google and Microsofts Bing began to be the search engine that Yahoo used to provide its search results. Since they joined forces, their PPC platform was renamed AdCenter. Their combined network of third party sites that allow AdCenter ads to populate banner and text ads on their site is called BingAds. The PPC advertising model is open to abuse through click fraud, although Google and others have implemented automated systems to guard against abusive clicks by competitors or corrupt web developers. * Email Marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. It usually involves using email to send ads, request business, or solicit sales or donations, and is meant to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. Email marketing can be done to either cold lists or current customer database. Broadly, the term is usually used to refer to: * Sending email messages with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or previous customers, to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business, * Sending email messages with the purpose of acquiring new customers or convincing current customers to purchase something immediately, * Adding advertisements to email messages sent by other companies to their customers Researchers estimate that United States firms alone spent US $1.51 billion on email marketing in 2011 and will grow to $2.468 billion by 2016. * Affiliate Marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliates own marketing efforts. The industry has four core players: the merchant (also known as retailer or brand), the network (that contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments), the publisher (also known as the affiliate), and the customer. The market has grown in complexity to warrant a secondary tier of players, including affiliate management agencies, super-affiliates and specialized third party vendors. Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet marketing methods to some degree, because affiliates often use regular advertising methods. Those methods include organic search engine optimization (SEO), paid search engine marketing (PPC Pay Per Click), e-mail marketing, and in some sense display advertising. On the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques, such as publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner. Affiliate marketing is commonly confused with referral marketing, as both forms of marketing use third parties to drive sales to the retailer. However, both are distinct forms of marketing and the main difference between them is that affiliate marketing relies purely on financial motivations to drive sales while referral marketing relies on trust and personal relationships to drive sales. Affiliate marketing is frequently overlooked by advertisers. While search engines, e-mail, and website syndication capture much of the attention of online retailers, affiliate marketing carries a much lower profile. Still, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers marketing strategies. * Display Advertising is a type of advertising that typically contains text (i.e., copy), logos, photographs or other images, location maps, and similar items. In periodicals, display advertising can appear on the same page as, or on the page adjacent to, general editorial content. In contrast, classified advertising generally appears in a distinct section, was traditionally text-only, and was available in a limited selection of typefaces. Display advertisements are not required to contain images, audio, or video: Textual advertisements are also used where text may be more appropriate or more effective. An example of textual advertisements is commercial messages sent to mobile device users, or email. One common form of display advertising involves billboards. Posters, fliers, transit cards, tents, scale models are examples of display advertising.. Display advertising appears on web pages in many forms, including web banners. Banner ad standards continue to evolve. * Blogging. A weblog, also called a blog, is a journal that is maintained by a blogger and contains information that is instantly published to their blog website. Blogging is a very popular activity. The number of online users creating and maintaining blogs has increased dramatically over the past year. The number Internet users who read these blogs has also shot up, with some blogs boasting thousands, even millions of daily dedicated readers. Blog marketing is any process that publicizes or advertises a website, business, brand or service via the medium of blogs. This includes, but is not limited to marketing via ads placed on blogs, recommendations and reviews by the blogger, promotion via entries on third party blogs and cross-syndication of information across multiple blogs. * Community Building. An online community is a virtual community that exists online and whose members enable its existence through taking part in membership ritual. An online community can take the form of an information system where anyone can post content, such as a Bulletin board system or one where only a restricted number of people can initiate posts, such as Weblogs. Online communities have also become a supplemental form of communication between people who know each other primarily in real life. Many means are used in social separately or in combination, including text-based chat rooms and forums that use voice, video text or avatars. Significant socio-technical change may have resulted from the proliferation of such Internet-based social networks. * Social Media Marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites. Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. A corporate message spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it appears to come from a trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself. Hence, this form of marketing is driven by word-of-mouth, meaning it results in earned media rather than paid media. Social media has become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Increased communication for organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service. Additionally, social media serves as a relatively inexpensive platform for organizations to implement marketing campaigns. Social media marketing involves the use of social networks, COBRAs and eWOM to successfully advertise online. Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter provide advertisers with information about the likes and dislikes of their consumers. This technique is crucial, as it provides the businesses with a â€Å"target audience†. With social networks, information relevant to the user’s likes is available to businesses; who then advertise accordingly. Consumer’s online brand related activities (COBRAs) is another method used by advertisers to promote their products. An activity such as uploading a picture of your â€Å"new Converse sneakers to Facebook† is an example of a COBRA. Another technique for social media marketing is electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Electronic recommendations and appraisals are a convenient manner to have a product promoted via â€Å"consumer-to-consumer interactions†. An example of eWOM would be an online hotel review; the hotel company can have two possible outcomes based on their service. A good service would result in a positive review which gets the hotel free advertisement via social media; however a poor service will result in a negative consumer review which can potentially ruin the companys reputation. ADVANTAGE OF ONLINE MARKETING These are some of the many advantages that online marketing offers over traditional media outlets: 1. Reduced Cost The starting cost of online marketing is only a fraction of the thousands of dollars that Yellow Pages, television and radio ads cost. For example, you can get a free listing on Google Local that will be just as effective as a costly online Yellow Pages ad. In addition, while traditional ads may only run for a short time, a search engine optimization campaign can deliver long-term results. You can also save money with online Pay-Per-Click advertising where it is easy to experiment with small ad volumes until you perfect your strategy and then expand your marketing budget when you are assured of a positive sales return. 2. Everything Is Measurable When you place an ad in the newspaper or a magazine, it can be difficult to assess the direct sales impact for your business. With online marketing, everything can be tracked and illustrated in detailed graphs that illustrate traffic growth, leads and sales conversions from your specific search marketing campaigns. Using a free traffic analysis tool like Google Analytics, it is easy to calculate your return on investment (ROI) so you can appreciate the excellent value generated from your online marketing budget. 3. Brand Engagement In the crowded market, you need to establish and maintain positive brand awareness and client loyalty. Apart from word-of-mouth and leveraging your personal relationships with your established clients, a website is the most important marketing tool a business can have. A regularly updated website with well-written content that maintains people’s interest is essential to showing people exactly how your business is distinctive and how you offer the best value to your clients. 4. Demographic Targeting The degree to which an online marketing campaign can target and measure the response from specific demographics and regions is often astonishing to business owners who normally use traditional media. New demographic prediction and online advertising platforms allow you to specifically target the specific consumer demographics most likely to buy your products. In particular, if you want to target young people between the ages of 16-30, youll need an online marketing strategy to reach them where they spend the bulk of their time: On the Internet and on social media sites. 5. Real-Time Results With online marketing you don’t have to wait weeks to see a significant boost in your business. With a paid search marketing campaign you can experience real-time results that enable you to fine-tune your marketing message to achieve your desired effect. If your marketing strategy isnt working effectively, real-time monitoring tools allow you to easily pin-point exactly where you are going wrong. 6. Easily Refine Your Strategy Using online marketing analytics and tracking tools you can test conversion rates at a fraction of the cost of a traditional media campaign. Online marketing levels the playing field and allows savvy small businesses to compete in competitive niches that previously would only be open to large corporations and their massive marketing budgets. If your marketing strategy is not bringing in the return on investment (ROI) that you desire, you can work to perfect it without having to launch an expensive new campaign as would be required with most traditional media outlets. 7. Long-Term Exposure The benefit of an organic search marketing campaign that optimizes a website for specific keywords is that you will achieve a long-term return on your investment. Once your website’s visibility is well-established with search engines, it is easy to do regular low-cost maintenance of your strategy. The early adopters of new online marketing platforms like social media marketing will have a significant head start over their competition. 8. Product Information Today’s savvy consumers want to compare reviews and opinions of friends, trusted bloggers and industry experts before they make a decision. If you can provide quality, linkable information that is what people are looking for, then the next step of converting users into paying clients can be very easy. With social media networks like Facebook and Twitter re-enforcing the value of positive word-of-mouth exposure, trust is more important than ever in the marketing field. 9. Less Intrusive Most savvy consumers dislike intrusive traditional marketing methods like direct mailing, print ads and television advertisements. When someone buys a newspaper or magazine, they want to read interesting articles not be bombarded with irrelevant ads. While mediums like television can still be useful for maintaining awareness of large corporate brands, it is not an effective medium for most small and medium-size businesses. With online marketing, you can target consumers precisely when they are searching for products and services that your business can provide. 10. Holds Their Attention When people read the newspaper or a magazine they may scan over the advertisements beside the article but there is no way to engage their attention. With online marketing you can encourage them to take action, visit your website and read about your products and services which results in vastly increased â€Å"stickiness† of your marketing message.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Toyota motor corporation strategy

Toyota motor corporation strategy I. Introduction of Toyota: Overview of Toyota Company Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the leading automobile manufacturers in the world. It is founded in August 28, 1937 in Japan. Akio Toyoda is the current president of Toyota motor company. As of March 31, 2009, the capital of Toyota is estimated as 397.05 billion yen. The major business undertaken by Toyota is Motor Vehicle Production and Sales. It has been estimated that around 320,808 employees working at present in Toyota and its affiliated companies all over the world as of March 31, 2009 (Toyota, 2009). Even though Toyota was able to maintain a steady growth rate both in sales and production of vehicles till 2008, because of global economic crisis both the sales and production of vehicles of Toyota has been come down in 2009. The company has produced 5,100,000 vehicles in Japan itself in 2007 and 5,160,000 in 2008. But the production has come down to 4,255,000 in 2009. On the other hand the company has recorded 23,948.0 million yen sales in 2007 and 26,289.2 million yen in 2008. But the sales have dipped to 20,529.5 million yen in 2009. 8,524,000 Toyota vehicles have been sold in the world in 2007 and 8,913,000 in 2008. But the number of vehicles sold has slipped to 7,567,000 in 2009 (Toyota, 2009). International, regional, industrial environment of Toyota Toyota Company is currently operating in five continents and in 27 countries with 53 manufacturing units apart from its main manufacturing units in Japan. It has operations in more than 170 countries all over the world at present. It always acquires a place in the top 10 Fortune Global 500 enterprises list. It has a good reputation as the most socially and environmentally responsible automaker in the world (Global Toyota, 2007) Toyota Financial Services (TFS) provides vehicle financing in 33 countries worldwide. Some of the most diverse and fastest-growing among our global network of offices are those in the Asia Oceania Region. Over the last 5 years, their average annual asset growth has been a staggering 30 percent (Toyota Financial Services Global Presence, 2009). Toyota is operating in one of the highly contested automotive sector. Apart from international automobile manufacturers like, BMW, GM, etc, Toyota is facing challenges from domestic automobile manufacturers such as Nissan, Mitsubishi, etc. Toyota believes in localising the vehicles in order to cater the specific needs of the regions in which it operates. For example, Indian business conditions and American business conditions are entirely different for Toyota and they have specific custom made vehicles for different regions. Toyota has implemented a Just in Time (JIT) production system which is highly debated in the global corporate sector. (Just in Time, or JIT Toyotas Manufacturing Technique, 2005) International and global strategy A company with multinational branches and head quarters can be referred as a global firm. (What is a global firm? n. d) It is not necessary that a company producing goods locally and sells it internationally, necessarily a global firm. A global firm always produces goods locally and internationally and sells it in different market across the world. Moreover, a global firm always look for making custom made goods for international market. For example, it is not possible for vehicle manufacturers to make a standard vehicle suitable for the international market. Even the same product needs customization for different market because of the difference in international markets with respect to culture, politics, legal aspects, environment conditions, economic conditions etc. Toyota is operating in more than 170 countries at present with 53 manufacturing units all over the world as mentioned earlier, which is clearly an indication that Toyota is a global firm. Moreover, Toyota is addressing the needs of the diverse customers around the world and they were able to make vehicles suitable for regional preferences. For example, for Indian conditions, Toyota has introduced two vehicles; Qualis and Innova which can accommodate more people in the same car whereas such vehicles may not suit for the American conditions. Americans like luxury cars more than the Indians and Toyota concentrated in making luxury cars for American market. Thus, Toyota was able to realize the tastes of local people and they succeeded in producing vehicles suitable for each country which made them a true global company in all senses. II. The external environment: 1. Toyota-Competitors/Rivals: Toyota is one of the leading automobile manufacturers in the world. Competitors are struggling to compete with Toyota because of the superior quality, excellent supply chain, and very good after sales support, Toyota offers to the consumers. In fact competitors are forming regional blocs to compete with Toyota. General Motors, Volkswagen, Ford, Honda, Fiat, Renault, Nissan, BMW, Hyundai etc are some of the major competitors for Toyota in automobile industry all over the world. DaimlerChrysler and BMW accepted GMs invitation to cooperate in joint development of hybrid technology, in part to gang up on Toyota (Target, Toyota: Competitors Try To Trip Up the Carmaker on Its Way to No. 1, n. d.). In other words, the competitors are making all efforts to prevent Toyota from sustaining its superior performances. They have realized that nobody can compete with Toyota independently at present because of the superior technological advances and features incorporated to Toyota vehicles and that also at cheaper rates compared to the competitors. In America, General Motors is the main rivals for Toyota whereas in Europe it is BMW. In Asia the major challenges are coming from Hyundai whereas in the home country, Japan the major competitor for Toyota is Honda. Toyota is facing challenges not only from the American and European car manufacturers. In fact they are facing challenges from their Asian counterparts, Korean car manufacturers like Hyundai and Kia. These Korean companies are offering vehicles with nearly similar qualities as that of the Toyota vehicles at cheaper rate than the Toyota vehicles. They have advertised their vehicles in comparison with the Toyota vehicles; a direct attack on Toyota. In other words, Toyota is targeted from all the corners; Asia, America, Europe etc. While the domestics and Germans battle to hold their ground, Korean automakers Hyundai and Kia are attacking Toyota from a second front (Target, Toyota: Competitors Try To Trip Up the Carmaker on Its Way to No. 1, n. d.) Toyota company makes a hybrid-powered (gas and electric) sedan the Prius that is being snapped up in US and European markets (Toyota Motor Corporation: Toyota, Aichi Japan, 2009). This vehicle from Toyota is more environment friendly and fuel efficient and it is also in accordance with the Obamas proposal to rejuvenate the auto industries in America. GM and other European car manufacturers are already afraid of the new entry from Toyota. They are already on the verge of destruction because of the current global financial crisis. The new user friendly and environment friendly hi tech car from Toyota is a great challenge for the competitors. Toyota is not running blindly against the electric car technologies. They have lot of concerns about the success of electric cars. Mitsubishi Motors started leasing its all-electric vehicle, the i-MiEV, in June. Next year, Nissan Motor is set to release its electric car, the Leaf. But Toyota does not plan to introduce an all-electric car until 2012 (The New York times, 2009). If the experiments of Mitsubishi and Nissan found success, they can lead the car market in future at least for some time. But Toyota is anticipating certain problems in electric cars and unlike others they are not going all out for the electric cars. In short, Toyota was able to read the automotive market well so far, which helped them to keep the number one spot amidst stiff competitions from all over the regions in the world. 2. The market structure: III. The internal environment of the company: 1. Corporate strategy: Cooperative arrangement: Relationship with suppliers: Relationship with suppliers: Toyota believes that one of the most important factors which makes a long-term and stable procurement of the best products with the lowest price in the most speedy and timely manner is a close relationship with suppliers wherever Toyota operates. This relationship, which is called keiretsu in Japanese concept, bases on mutual respect and trust, communal growth and development between the company and suppliers. In order to build a deep relationship with supplier, Toyota ran a program, namely guest engineer program, in which Toyota allows suppliers engineer working in plant for two or three years. This plan helps suppliers increase their technological advantage, thus will fully meet the corporations technological standard demand in manufacturers processes. Toyota also often sends engineers, and occasionally senior executives, to the suppliers company to study their operation and culture. Through the information which was shared intensively, but selectively, and the understanding, supervising the operations of suppliers in this program, Toyota developed the capabilities of suppliers, which coupled with increasing value for the corporation. Although keiretsu is a time and money consuming process, and sometimes is a risk investment if supplier cannot meet the requirement after finishing the program, it allows suppliers control more in terms of cost, quality and delivering to the market than ever before. Because of that, Toyota believes that it is worth for spending resources in building a deep relationship with supplier. Relationship with sales networks: Toyota has made contract directly with about 300 dealers within Japan and approximately 7,500 overseas dealers. This sales network is considered as the first point for Toyota apply their Customers first policy. The corporation and dealers work together with mutual trust to enhance the customers satisfaction and convey Toyota values, which are emphasized in the superiority of Toyota product and service. In order to pursue customers satisfaction, Toyota and dealers engage in activities based on constant and close communication, including various forms of support from Toyota, customers feedback and comment of dealers. The Kaizen Development Support Division was established in January 2006 to cooperate with dealers in improving the operation and enhancing customers satisfaction by supporting activities at dealers at Japan and overseas. The divisions main activities are: Expanding Toyota Product System improvement activities to sales and distribution. Differentiating Toyota dealers from competitors through improvements. Enhancing customer satisfaction from the customers perspective by implementing on-site improvements. Fostering human resources with the ability to make improvements and reforms using their own skill. After being established, the division immediately held many activities in Japan and overseas countries to foster the development of industry-leading dealers. Diversifications: Besides concentrating on developing mainly motor, TMC also invested in a number of other industries. Most of the diversified businesss capital is the corporations own fund or joint venture with other companies who know clearly the market. The 2 following are the most intensively invested industries in Toyotas diversification: Housing: Toyota Motor Corporation entered the house-construction business in 1975. After that, this field of business was not intensively invested because the automobile market still was the biggest target of Toyota. The corporation just supplied some lineup of production, including condominiums, built using its unit building system, steel framework construction method or residential steel framing technique. However, when many earthquakes occurred in Japan in 2003 and others house-construction brand faced to difficulty to meet the requirements of customer, Toyota decided to take part in the market by establishing Toyota Housing Corporation. The corporation was completely invested by own fund of Toyota Corporation with 100 million yen at the establishment, and aimed the goal that Toyota Housing Corporation will become the number 1 seller detached house in Japan. Financial service: Since being established in 1983, Toyota Financial Services has developed from a small company with eight associates to one that currently employs approximately 3,000 associates nationwide with managed assets in excess of 65 billion dollars. The Toyota Financial Service brand identity was launched in 1999. It plays a role to market the productions of Toyota Motor Credit Corporation (TMCC) and Toyota Motor Insurance Service (TMIS). TMCC was incorporated in California in 1982, started operating in 1983. The productions which the company provides are retail and wholesale financing, retail leasing, vehicle protection plans and certain other financial services to authorized Toyota, Lexus and Scion dealers, Toyota forklift and Hino dealers as well as Toyota Material Handling, U.S.A. dealers, affiliates, and their customers in the United States (excluding Hawaii). Opening the Toyota Financial Service was the right move of the corporation in that time in order to increase total profitability from a new potential market. Toyota Financial Service made profit immediately after establishing, and now it contributed a considerable factor in total Toyotas income, which is 623 million dollars while Toyota loose approximately 5 billion dollar in fiscal year 2009 due to financial crisis. 2. Human resource management: The relationship with employees: The labor-management relationship in Toyota was strongly emphasized in 1950, when Kiichiro Toyoda and his executive staff were voluntary to resign with 2,000 other employees after the corporation suffers the sharp reduction of automobile demand. This incident had the strong impact on employees and built an absolute trust on the corporation because it represents the due care and sharing difficulty from the corporation with them. Since then, Toyota has been working to develop mutual understanding between employees and management. The relationship between Toyotas employees and manager is considered as one of the most factors contributing on its success. One concept has being intensively applied for building this relationship among Toyota members is Toyota Way, which is supported by two main pillars: Respect for people and Continuous improvement. All employees at any level in Toyota have been required to use these two values in their daily work. Human resource development: Toyota concentrates mainly on developing and conveying the Toyota Way between employees based on OJT (on-the-job training) in the human resource management policy. In 2002, the Toyota Institute was established in order to improve implementation of Toyota Way by overseas affiliates. The Institute develops and deploys training programs on the core aspects of the Toyota Group and also provides management training. Besides, a series of lectures, namely The things I learn from Mr. Ohno and Mr. Suzumura, are held, which base on the desire conveying the Toyota Way properly and accurately of Chairman Fujio Cho. These actions created a strong corporate culture, which has fundamental impact on the performance of the corporation. In 1988, the organizational restructuring was implemented to make the decision-making less vertical. This process was improved in 2006 when smaller groups were created to enhance teamwork and work-related skills, and reinforce the work ethic in light of the importance of raising the skills of organizations and groups. In 2006, TMC established RD Learning Centre and run the Pro-WIN education program, which is mechanism allowing individuals accomplish their goals in production and production engineering. The RD Learning Centre aim to reinforce the foundation for development of the production and to maintain and enhance Toyotas high-quality. 3. The value chain: Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the largest companies in the vehicle industry, and has branches in most of the worlds countries. In order to stay competitive, Toyota strives to provide clean and safe products, to provide fuel-efficient vehicles and to make use of advanced technology. The inbound logistics of Toyota: Toyota forms its culture and principles through continued growth. Therefore the most important step is to produce vehicles in accordance with sound environmental standards. The company continually improves the accuracy and the efficiency of the use of its resources. Toyota produces less than 2 kg of waste per vehicle, and is working to reduce it to less than 30 kg in the coming years. The operation of Toyota: Toyota focuses on supervision in its industrial processes, and this improves the quality of every stage of manufacture and ensures the continual improvement of the companys standards. Visual observation is used to assess the process, and each team member is responsible for his or her work. Moreover, any team member is able to stop the process if any part of it is incorrect. Toyotas marketing and sales: Toyota is one of the largest automobile producers in the world. The company ensures reliable customer service, and consistent sales, by managing over 529 branches around the world. And they are looking forward to improving those sales as well. Toyota services: Toyotas services continue after the sale by ensuring that all of its vehicles are under warrantee for 3 years or 60,000 km, whichever comes. Any defects in the vehicles during this time are repaired without cost to the owner. Toyota also provides many financial services for the customer, such as vehicle loans that are repaid in monthly installments. Toyota provides additional services, such as being able to repair your car in any of its branches throughout the world. As well as Toyota always contact their costumer on phone or email to ask them about the services and how they find it. Vehicles manufactured in Toyotas factories are sent to authorize distributors. And also they have the genuine spare parts so that, they can fix the care in every branch. Outsourcing activities: In 1977, Toyota made a deal with Fujitsu, a Hong Kong-based company, where Toyota transferred about 77 employees to Fujitsu for training. Since then, Fujitsu has worked with Toyota to develop new technology and to improve the companys global business performance. Fujitsu is a giant in the field of technology. The partnership allows Toyota to develop new hardware and software as well as provides the ability to sustain a competitive advantage. As a result, the cooperation of Toyota and Fujitsu will enable Toyota to use the latest techniques in automobile production.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Shakespeares Hamlet - Indecision within Hamlet Essay -- Indecision He

The Hesitation/ Indecision within Hamlet      Ã‚  Ã‚   Hamlet, the hero in Shakespeare’s dramatic tragedy of the same name, goes to great lengths to establish the absolute guilt of King Claudius – and then appears to blow it all. He hesitates at the prayer scene when the king could easily be dispatched. Let’s discuss this problem of hesitation or indecision on the part of the protagonist.    In â€Å"Acts III and IV: Problems of Text and Staging† Ruth Nevo explains how the protagonist is â€Å"confounded† in both the prayer scene and the closet scene:    In the prayer scene and the closet scene his [Hamlet’s] devices are overthrown. His mastery is confounded by the inherent liability of human reason to jump to conclusions, to fail to distinguish seeming from being. He, of all people, is trapped in the fatal deceptive maze of appearances that is the phenomenal world. Never perhaps has the mind’s finitude been better dramatized than in the prayer scene and in the closet scene. Another motto of the Player King is marvelously fulfilled in the nexus of ironies which constitutes the plays peripateia: â€Å"Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own.† In the sequence of events following Hamlet’s elation at the success of the Mousetrap, and culminating in the death of Polonius, all things are the opposite of what they seem, and action achieves the reverse of what was intended. Here in the play’s peripeteia is enacted Hamlet’s fatal error, his fatal misjudgment, which constitutes the crisis of the action, and is the directly precipitating cause of his own death, seven other deaths, and Ophelia’s madness. (52)    David Bevington, in the Introduction to Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hamlet, eliminates some possible reasons ... ...ilm, Television and Audio Performance. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ. P., 1988.    Levin, Harry. General Introduction. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974.    Nevo, Ruth. â€Å"Acts III and IV: Problems of Text and Staging.† Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Rpt. from Tragic Form in Shakespeare. N.p.: Princeton University Press, 1972.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.    West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Asian Values: Do they exist? Essay examples -- Economics

Asian Values: Do they exist? On the face of it, the existence of ‘Asian Values’ seems illusory. After the humiliation of the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis, the sounding of the death knell for the Asian-values debate seemed imminent. Yet with the recent ascension of China as an economic superpower and similar economic miracles in the East, some began to speculate about ‘Asian Values’ and its inherent superiority in the political, economic and social structures in countries. ‘Asian values’ can be termed as a set of values shared by people of many different nationalities and ethnicities living in East and Southeast Asia. Often seen in the context of religion, Taoism, Islam and Buddhism have fashioned or influenced the basis of many values. Despite some minor differences in the value systems of these religions, they generally agree on certain areas. These include a stress on the community rather than the individual, a reliance on the moral fabric of human relations and conventions, a particular emphasis on thriftiness and hard work, and a respect for political leadership amongst others. In order to examine whether these Asian values still have credence in today’s world, we must look at four areas of study: the influence of globalization, the policies of government, adoption of Asian values into economics, and the changing social fabric of Asia. There can be no doubt that globalization in the past decades has had a profound influence on the traditional v...